Stop Whispering

by RadioHead

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:48 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Pablo Honey

Song Author

Thomas Yorke, Jonathan Greenwood, Phillip Selway, Colin Greenwood and Edward O'Brien

File Size

147 KB




And the wise men say "I dont want to hear your voice", and the thin men say "I dont want to hear your voice". And they're cur sing me, and they wont let me be. And there's no ting to say and there's no thing to do. Stop whis pe ring, start shout ing. Stop whis pe ring, start shout ing. And my mo ther say "we spit on you son some more", and the build ings say "we spit on your face some more". And the feel ing is, that there's some thing wrong. Cause I cant find the words, and I cant find the songs. Stop whis pe ring, start shout ing. Stop whis pe ring, start shout ing. Dear Sir, I have a com plaint. Dear Sir, I have a com plaint, cant re mem ber what it is. Does nt mat ter a ny way. Does nt mat ter a ny way. Stop whis pe ring, Stop whis pe ring, Stop whis pe ring, Stop whis pe ring, Start shout.


This song is really difficult, I had to worke a lot. I hope u like it. In lives they are playing all the time but in the original version it doesn't look like so.